Hello, my new friend!





True wealth


Living life to its truest potential



My mission on Mother Earth is to guide women to the peace and liberation that comes with all of this.


What that means to me: 

  • You quit running around like a chicken with your head cut off trying to get EVERYTHING done.
  • You create a life that allows for it ALL (your family, income creation, life and household management, some socializing, and YOU-YOU-YOU, finally).
  • You start living out goals and dreams, rather than locking them up… until it’s too late.
  • Your mental and physical health is a priority. You’re not sacrificing yourself in the name of ANYONE else (even your family) or (especially) to make a living.
  • You stop stressing about money. Ever.


I work with women who KNOW there is more to this thing called life.

“Where do I start, I’m overwhelmed with no extra time, money or bandwidth.”
GO-GO-GO mode only.
“I’ve tried some things before, and they didn’t work.”
“My husband/job/diagnosis/trauma/kids keep me from being able to change anything.”
“I don’t think I have what it takes.”
“I can’t afford to invest in myself, time or money.”
“GIRL! I have zero time.”


I SEE you! Because I have been you. Suffering from acute people pleasing, fuzzy boundaries, maladaptive coping mechanisms, struggling to make hard decisions, feeling lesser-than in MORE than a handful of areas, running on the hamster wheel with nothing left in the tank, YET wanting better. AND deeply in debt, filing Bankruptcy and shacking up with family to get by.


There is another reality that exists


I know how to get it and can show you how to do it with simple do-able methods and steps.


Here is the 30,000-foot overview:

  • We learn how to feel bad (no one avoids this so we may as well learn the better way) in the name of creating results we WANT. Side benefit: learning HOW to feel bad trickles into the inevitable diggers and shockers life LOVES to deliver.
  • We learn how money (actually) works and use that in our favor to make strategic moves and investments for ourselves and family.
  • We delve into WHO we are, for reals…the superpowers we forget we have AND the saboteurs that subtly stifle our thriving. We apply this knowledge strategically TO THRIVE.

I have created the life of my dreams (and of my design: in superb gnat’s ass detail), in all of the areas.


The True Wealth


  • I’ve been with the same guy for 31 years. We built 3 kids, multiple companies, and a multi-million dollar investment portfolio together. We each manage mental illness diagnoses, went through a divorce (reconciled) and rebuilt our relationship. I “get” partnerships, communication, holding space when it sucks, allowing people to be who they are — it’s HARD but integral to YOUR peace and joy.
  • I set a goal when I was 19 that I would retire rich at age 40. Then I did. Money has been a non-worry for the last 15 years (you want this feeling).
  • When I’m not mentoring people to design their dream lives and using the tools on myself, I can be found overseeing our portfolio of investments (and creating new ones!), creating in my kitchen + gardens, talking to my abundant amount of plants, wild birds, ducks in our pond, doing pool float or massage chair meditations, palling around town drinking almond milk lattes with my “quality time is his love language” partner, Ken, kissing my dogs, Olive and Romeo, obsessively reading, and practicing Pilates in my home studio. And loving on our 3 grown children.

Let's Connect


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Hi, I’m Sarah



I work with women who suffer from people pleasing, fuzzy boundaries, struggle with making hard decisions AND want more for themself and family.

And maybe a few extra $100,000 in the bank to soften the journey?

I have been there, and I made it through to this other reality I didn’t know existed.

  • I’ve been with the same guy for 30 years. We built 3 kids, multiple companies, and a multi-million dollar investment portfolio together. We each have mental illness diagnoses, went through a divorce (reconciled) and rebuilt our relationship. I “get” partnerships, communication, holding space, allowing people to be who they are — its HARD but integral to YOUR peace and joy. 
  • I set a goal when I was 19 that I would retire rich at age 40. Then I did. Money has been a non-worry for the last 15 years (you want this feeling).
  • Money is a tool that enables you to live a life of your own design. My passion is to guide people in creating what that looks like for them, then together we create & execute the plan to make it happen!
  • Our “work” in life is never done. We own two airplanes and my guy is an avid pilot, but I am deathly afraid to fly and have never flown with him. Not ready to conquer that fear, yet.
  • When I’m not coaching people on designing their dream lives and using the tools on myself, I can be found overseeing our portfolio of investments (and creating new ones!), creating in my kitchen + gardens, talking to my abundant amount of plants, wild birds, ducks in our pond, doing pool float or massage chair meditations, pal-ing around town drinking almond milk lattes with my “quality time is his love language” partner, Ken, kissing my dogs, Olive and Romeo, obsessively reading, and practicing Pilates in my home studio.